
All dogs and cats should be vaccinated against potentially life threatening and contagious diseases.

Dogs should be vaccinated against Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus. Kennel cough vaccination is available. Vaccinations should begin at 8wks of age and consist of 2 injections 2-4 weeks apart. Yearly boosters are required to maintain protection.

Cats should be vaccinated against Feline Flu, Infectious Feline Enteritis and Feline Leukaemia Virus. Vaccinations should begin at 9wks of age and consist of 2 injections 3 weeks apart. Yearly boosters are required to maintain protection.

Rabbits should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease. Vaccinations can begin at 6wks of age. Yearly boosters are required to maintain protection.

All animals have a full health check with their vaccinations.

Annual booster vaccination reminders are automatically sent out, so you need not worry about when your next visit should be.

Vaccination against rabies is available.

Your Puppy

Your puppy should receive at least two vaccinations by the time it is 12 weeks of age against the five major infectious, fatal diseases which affect the dog.

These are:

  1. Distemper (D) sometimes called hard pad.
  2. Infectious Canine Hepatitus (A2) a liver disease caused by a virus.
  3. Leptospirosis (L) a kidney disease dogs pick up from rat urine.
  4. Leptospirosis (L) another form which destroys the liver and is passed from dog to dog.
  5. Canine Parvovirus (CPV) a new disease, first appearing in 1978, caused by a virus which has claimed many dog's lives.

We follow these recommendations and have found that it has saved many puppies from dying from the parvovirus infection.

Your adult dog

To maintain your dog's protection against these serious diseases, a yearlybooster vaccination is essential.

All the above diseases occur in our area and surrounding districts.  Parvovirus is the commonest disease followed by Distemper and Leptospirosis.

It is a sad fact that some dogs have suffered and died from these diseases because their owners have not had them vaccinated or let the yearlybooster lapse.

Don't let it happen to you.

Kennel Cough can cause widespread coughing amongst dogs particularly in the summer months.  Although not a fatal condition it can be very distressing for your dog.

Your Kitten

Your Kitten should receive at least two vaccinations by the time it is 12 weeks of age against viral diseases affecting the cat.

These are:

1. Feline Infectious Enteritis (FIE) sometimes called feline panleucopaenia. This disease can affect both kittens and adult cats and invariably kills the affected cat. 

Cat Flu - the two main viruses causing cat flu are:

2. Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

3. Feline Rhinotracheitis (FRV)

Cat Flu can be a killer disease particularly in young kittens and the older cat. Cats that recover from cat flu will often require a lengthy course of treatment during the recovery period and experience considerable suffering and distress.

Feline Leukaemia Vaccination cam be given to all healthy cats from 9 weeks of age.

Your adult cat

To maintain your cat's protection against these serious diseases, a yearlybooster vaccination is essential.

All the above diseases occur in our area and surrounding districts.

It is a sad fact that some cats have suffered and died from these diseases because their owners have not had them vaccinated or let the yearly booster lapse.

Don't let it happen to you

Should you require information on vaccination seek our advice.